
Showing posts from January, 2020

Believe in Love

Photo by  Petr Sevcovic  on  Unsplash He came at this situation all wrong. He wanted to walk away with no consequences for his actions. I was on the fence about it I let him or did not let him. We had a kid on the way, we planned a life together, and we just bought a condominium. He decided he did not want to be tied down to the baby, the condominium, or me. He wanted to wander the earth free. He wanted to head into the mist and disappear. I said "For crying out loud this is our life, you are not a wanderer with no attachment, no history, and definitely not alone. You have 7 brother and sisters and 20 cousins and a BABY!!! coming soon." He shook his head. He lowered his eyes. He took a long drag of a cigarette and he got up, walked to the door, and vanished. I was left sobbing, pregnant, and with a huge condominium payment. I knew not how I would survive, but he was gone. I was still here, this baby would be soon, and we needed a way to make our new world work. I wou

2020 Goals and Words

Photo by  Jamie Street  on  Unsplash Well we made it. We are in 2020 and there has been a big push the last few years for us to determine our word for the year or set a goal and figure out steps to make it happen. I think this is why I have never been a new years eve girl. I go to bed. I sleep right through it. Goals are great but we all know they do not stick for the majority of us. Words hold no power over us. If we say Honor is our word, what does that look like for you? What actions will you take? Most people pick a word with no plan. 2020 is another year, another day, another calendar. Honestly if you want to have goals great, but know it will take at least 90 days of you doing your goal for it to become a habit. And with you choosing a word, you need to have something behind it. Not just a word. What does that word look like in actions for you. Is it saying yes to new possibilities, is it taking a new job, or is it something like just keeping your word this year to eve