Three Day Weekend

So this weekend I actually had a three day weekend. We are usually open for the holiday ,but being as its just my boss and me now at the company,,we took off..yeah!! I had time to patch holes in the living room,take down the wallpaper border, study biology, tho dont think it helped. Im seriously lost. But thats another chapter of life. My point was,,hahah,, I had three days off and wrote and edited a new poem for you all :) Remember I retain the rights and it may not be used in whole or part AT ALL. This one is titled:

 My Barefoot Soul

 My barefoot Soul came to me in a dream,
it was just floating by on a cloud of green.
my Soul called out to the moonlight
and I wrestled to hear my breathe.

 Words floated by when I went inside to rest,
but I could not speak. I was wholly and sadly adrift.
 my Mind , as soft as a feather,
could blow by with a gentle wind.

 my Hands, at rest,under my pillow,
struggling, with my soul. Wrestling again to breathe.
Cold pale night in my lungs,
stopped me DEAD as I had feared.

 I moved, but no one saw me.
 I spoke and my words were music.
Gentle Souls reaching for my hands, frozen legs,
I learned , were gone from my body.

Soul awaken, howling, feeling everything,
so so deeply,but I realized, I would feel no more.
 My life was gone,my Soul taken from me,
once again I tried to breath,
only to have my soul remind me, I am gone.

 I did not float,but sank to the ground.
Grabbing anything I could,
my eyes rose to meet the dead,
my legs walked on with them.

 hope you like it,,id love to know what you think. I am a cheerful person,but my poetry always comes out dark. I do like that. Love to have both sides make me who I am. Anywho,,had to share. Off to bed,,gym at 5:30AM again. Tomorrow new machines and new weights,,im still hurting from monday. xoxoxo Debbie PS Do you have sides to you too? Are you an artist like me and have different works come out the same or different? Id love to know :) Leave me a comment


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