a soul deepening poem

So I recently graduated.My son recently graduated as well. This week has been a week of celebrations.
My kids have been super supportive of my going to college for my B.A. My son got his B.S. and is a brilliant IT young man. So with every ending starts a new beginning, but you cannot start without first finishing up some flailing ends.I cleaned out all my school papers, notebooks, books, and bags. I have finished keeping what I am keeping and throwing out items I will no longer need. In this I found a poem. I may have shared it before, I cannot remember, but I feel it is a good time to share again. Somewhere during the semester I wrote this. Sometime I felt it was needed to be let out of my head and put down on paper. So without waiting any longer here is my new ( well or old) poem.

 Titled Dripping Soul.

His soul drips down on me
like a soft gentle rain.
Caressing my arms, my nose,
my eyes, and my soft lips.

A Warmth felt deep inside me,
like honey on the comb dripping.
I feel my heart slowly,
effortlessly sliding down into his arms.

Hands reaching out to catch
sun rays beaming down on me.
Love touching his fingertips and mine,
slowly connecting our journeys.

Falling freely to a place of comfort,
warm and non-judgemental, no longer hiding,
truths, unyielding friendships,
small steps always becoming closer.

Breezes caress our cheeks lightly,
as feathers lay weight laying upon our bodies.
Filling up with the understanding,
that this is it for all time, together.

Choosing to work on problems instead of tear apart,
looking at the good and the bad, but seeing it as one.
Learning to trust in how we feel,
and grow forward together.

Well there you have another one of my poems. I hope this season has you happy and healthy. Have a super still relaxing Sunday with loved ones and friends you love.

your story teller/poet


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