Music, Connection, & Us

Photo by Grant on Unsplash

Some say music can sooth the savage beast, but who is this beast? Music can sooth a dog,a cat, or a person. Both animals and people react to musics the same way we react to scents. Both affect us in different ways. When I want to relax I put on Lisa Lynn and listen to her strum her beautiful harp. Also some soft jazz helps me relax, but lately Christian music has been on my play list. There are so many amazing artists out there that I keep listening to more new to me people and am simply amazed the affect it has on my mood and heart.

While we are constantly checking our phones, our email, or whatever else is going on in this world of instant notifications, we need to slow down and realized all the damage this is doing to us. Some of us are now no longer able to relax at all. We used to linger after church and talk. We used to go to picnics with friends and talk. I have seen people at a place together, like eating out, and both texting each other or other people. Our connection to each other is disappearing. Little by little we have build walls up and kept all the "others" out, but those others are our friends and family.

We no longer seem to want to connect to each other. We seem locked into the world of online technology and we are forgetting each other. I wish we could go back in time and reconnect, but we cannot. I know we all need our phones, but perhaps we all need each other too. The saying of it takes a village still applies. Don't be so buried by technology that you forget to relax and you forget to connect.  Music, concerts, church choirs are all great ways of connecting. For a certain amount of time we can sit and listen together and relax and afterwards perhaps grab some food, each, leave the phones in your pockets, and reconnect with others.

I hope this Sunday finds you relaxing and enjoying a great day with family or friends. Just spend the day if you need to reconnect to yourself and ground yourself back in this world. Put the phone on a charger in another room. Make some tea, have some coffee with friends, do something that you enjoy and leave the guilt of "supposed to be doing" behind.

Happy Weekending all,
Your poet, storyteller,


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