Color Poem


Photo by Peter F on Unsplash

This feeling of me being a color washed over me the other day and I wrote this:

I am a cerulean blue, vibrant and bold,
warm and encompassing.

I am a magenta full of passion and bright,
inviting you to see my boldness.

I am a sunny yellow, blinding light,
flicks of gold, like lightning bugs filling the night.

I am a forest green, holding the magic of the woods,
brilliant blending with nature day and night.

I am firetruck red, full of heat and energy,
a fire burning deep inside my heart. 

I am a combination of then all,
full of a big encompassing life.

Sometimes the words flow, sometimes they are stuck in the recesses of our brains (called writer's block) I have had both, I have had ups and downs with writings. It has been an on-again-off-again affair with words. I hope your words are flowing. I hope you are in the grove and are ready to let it flow. What color are you?

Happy Summer to you all. I pray you are well, safe, happy, and healthy. I do not know about you but I am now thinking of skittles. hahaha They are a rainbow of joy you know.

May your words be many, may your setbacks be few, my your fingers fly clicking the keys or your pen race across the paper to keep up with your thoughts.

Until the next time, Enjoy your summer,
Your story teller, poet,


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