a Whisper of Moments

Capturing the Light

 Why do we wait till someone is gone, till the wash is done, till we make dinner, till , till till. Why do we wait? Life is about capturing the moments that are important to us. This weekend I got to have my grandbaby sleep in my arms and there is nothing better. Not a clean kitchen, not the trash taken out, just her laying on me breathing and snuggling in close. Life is about the big moments, of course, but perhaps it is also about the mundane moments.

Maybe when we slow down and see how all these moments are connected we will feel like we achieved more than a clean kitchen. We wash the dishes, sweep the floor, was fold the towels. It appears like any other day, except that it is not. It is a day filled with magical moments captures in our hearts. It is our minds noticing the light filling our glass bottles on the shelf next to the window. Life seems fragmented right now as we have entered into year three of this mess of a life, but when we look at our hands and what they achieved each day, like nurturing a baby, taking our child to a playground for the first time, and noticing how the babies hair curls. How life keeps moving and if you do not take a moment to slow down you miss what it is all about, the human connections.

Right now a lot of us are still not gathering. Right now we are still afraid and feel alone, but when we make the sink full of bubbles to wash our dishes, so many others are doing it with us. When we go to the food store to give our loved one's nourishment, we have our sisters and brothers alongside us doing that too. We are all getting through our day the best way we know how to. We may not all do our dishes at the same time, but we wash them, we dry them, we put them away. Pay close attention to how the soap feels on your hands, look at all the wrinkles in your hands, and lift each item to be washed. There is magic in the mundane. 

We all wake, we all go through our day, we all eat, bathe, do our wash, and cook food for ourselves and possible for others. We feel fragmented from this world when actually we are all doing the same things to get us from day today. This morning I woke and lay in bed and just thought about the mundane items on my to-do list. I chose to do them with joy in my heart, with love in my intentions, and with patience and kindness in taking care of others in my family.

The smell of coffee tickled my nose and lured me out from under my covers. The coos of a baby summoned me to hold her. The love I felt in my heart for my family caught in my breath. I am so truly blessed and in complaining about work, driving, chores, and dishes, I lost sight of what was really important. It was not a clean sink, I pretty much gave up on that one, it was not mastering anything really, it was about being joyful in the everyday magical things I do every single day.

I pray your Sunday was well spent with the people who matter the most to you. I hope you washed your dishes, ate your apple, and cleaned your sink with a deep joy in your heart. Honestly, I have been thinking how fragmented this world has become and it has gotten to me deep down in my bones, but now, realizing I am not in this alone, I am in it with all of you lovely people. 

Right now I'm going to wash up for bed. I'm going to do the mundane of brushing my teeth with knowing you are all washing up for your bedtime too. We all move about our days in our own ways. Some of us have grown children, some of us are raising children still, and some of us are empty nesters who are moving into new territory. No matter your circumstances, your day may look different, but we are all in this together.

Happy Sunday night to you all.

May the magic of your Monday morning find you with strong tea or coffee to start your new joyful day.

Your friend,




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