Gray Sunday


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

the quiet sat on me like a heavy blanket. It felt as if it was trying to suffocate me. I needed a day, but this gray one was no good. It felt like it was pushing me down farther into a void. I was being sucked in. I woke with a start. I had terrible dreams. They started my day off by my waking and feeling depleted. 

Sundays were days of rest, but I woke restless and anxious. I read until I finished a book, thinking it would lift my mood. The gray outside had other ideas. The sun never emerged. Apparently, it was banished for the day. 

Candles lit, coffee drank, Bella Grace pulled out to enjoy this slow day. I decided I needed to bake some cookies. It worked. Cookies and milk can lift anyone's spirits, not permanently but for a while, the bleak day did not seem so bad. 

It was not rainy or windy or anything other than gray. It was made worse by the barren trees this time of year outside my window. They seemed to beg for their leaves to come back, but they lay in a heap in the yard.

sunday's are made for relaxing, cookies and milk. They are also made for cookies and candles and comfy socks. They are made to remind us to enjoy the light. It reminds us to be grateful for the sun when it shines. 

the world seems quiet today as if hushed by snow, yet not has fallen. Today is a day to reflect, nap, and enjoy your loved ones with nowhere to go. the world is at peace today in the gray. my neighborhood is silent and for that I am grateful. I can hear my thoughts. I can light my candles. I can write. 

I pray you have a day a week where you can reflect on life. Where you can sit and just stare out your window. I hope you have time for yourself. I hope you have time for your hobbies, painting, writing, and sculpting. whatever you like to unwind I hope today gave you the time to do it, to let your mind wander, to put down your phone for a while, and truly relax. 

Happy weekending friends,
Your friend


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