Anxiety & Stress


Sometimes life seems like it is spinning out of control. Our Anxiety rises about what could happen. Our life seems like it's going up and down on a roller coaster and we have no control. This is especially true since the pandemic. It has caused anxiety and depression and stress for all of us. Now that we are in 2023 some of us feel the pandemic was years and years ago. Others are still in the thick of it. They are dealing with sick loved ones still. Losing loved ones without saying goodbye. I know this last one firsthand.

I just finished Dave Hollis's new book. I finished it right after he passed away. His words in his second book hit me differently. Where did I see myself going and what was my purpose. What did I want to get done in this one precious life? His life was too quick, dying at 47. His legacy is his amazing four children but also his voice. He used his voice to champion for all to be equal and to all have found their purpose in life. He encouraged us to learn, advance, and say yes when we didn't know what we were doing but to dare to dream. To set in motion what we want to do and then set sail to figure out a way to do it.

Since Covid hit in 2019 I have battled depression. I have not seen a reason to find my why, my purpose, or live my best life. I have just gone through it all and felt dragged down by the pandemic. I have struggled to stay afloat much less leave the harbor and set sail for a better life. Dave liked Boat metaphors. If you want to learn more about this father, brother, husband, or ex-husband, here is the link if you are interested in  Dave Hollis  .

My anxiety has stayed at a high level and my body and mind have paid for it. I realized recently that I do not think I relaxed for about three to four years. My body has been stressed and tense and at times like it is falling apart. I have battled darkness, instability, and so much stress. Dave encourages you to find your people. If you are the smartest person in the room, seek out new smarter people to learn from. He was an ally and an encourager. He was so amazing and I know his kids will do amazing things as well. 

It is 2023 and the darkness still comes. The stress, and the anxiety, all mixed in together caused me uncertain times professionally and personally. I have been wondering what my purpose has been my entire life. I am a Libra and I see both sides of just about everything. I'd make a great judge. Maybe not. I know that we are all struggling. Eggs are what $7 now?  Rents are increasing and our pay is not even close to what we need it to be. Life is stressful, but I fully believe that Dave was onto something when he says " know your purpose" I think I have had numerous purposes and that is ok. I have done different jobs over the decades and that is ok. I have battled depression, anxiety, and stress, but I know together we can all make it through this mess that is our one precious life. If you have not read Dave's latest book, Built Through Courage, I highly recommend it. I also recommend you take this one precious life and you be kind to others, help with what you can, you show kindness to all.

May we one day say, "remember when the pandemic was over" and know we are all just doing our best to survive and thrive in any way we can. 

I pray you are well. I pray you are kind. And I pray that we all make it to the other side of this healthier version of ourselves. Do the work, show up, and be kind, and perhaps the world will be better after this mess. 

Your Friend ,




  1. This post went straight to my heart. The past years have been really hard and I've just been feeling my way through the darkness. I can relate. May your life keep getting better and better.

  2. Thank you! Life is challenging for sure.

  3. Thank you for your comment. I just keep moving forward slowly and carefully.


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