Are you happy?

                                         Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

I have been watching a series about happiness, questioning why some people are happy and others are not. I have battled depression. I have battled demons. I consider myself a happy person. How do you find happiness when life is so complicated and you feel pressured?

Life has some good things and some not-so-good things. It is not always filled with joy. Sometimes it is filled with us questioning our own lives. Are you happy? Money does not buy happiness, as a country song says, but then it goes on to say, it can buy a boat, which is the same thing as happiness. This I doubt. Material possessions have never made me happy. Time with my loved ones, my friends, and my family, has made me happy. My life is sometimes a struggle to pay the bills, balancing what I can get done, what I think I can do, and what I can actually accomplish. 

Reading books makes me happy. Writing makes me happy. Songs make me happy. Memories of fond times and thinking about them make me happy. With so much happiness, what is there to be sad about? I try to stay positive, but sometimes life throws me a curve ball I cannot handle and I think of this life stinks. It is not that life stinks, the situation does. Life is filled with peaks and valleys. It is filled with emotions going up and down, stressing, relaxing, and living the best life we can. 

I read a book once and the way the voice came across the page was slow, deliberate, and filled with hope and joy about life. It relaxed me just reading it. It is by someone on social media I follow. His voice is strong, and steady, and calms me and my spirit down. 

I know the world is a mess right now, but I feel we are all to frightened to show kindness because we feel the other person will take it as a sign of weakness and life will not be the same anymore. Life-changing is a good thing. Us growing in who we are, what we want, and how we have dreams and chase them, are all great things.  We are not made to be stagnant. We are made to evolve, love, show kindness, and be there for one another. When in reality when we see someone who needs something we can help with, we shy away. Why? Are so we afraid of helping someone since Covid? A smile takes a moment. A compliment to someone another moment. We are building karma. We are sharing joy with others.

I know we are a fractured world since Covid hit. It is going to take a lot of trust to smile at someone again without a mask. It is going to be hard to speak kind words when we were told for so long to stay away from each other. It is time to show love again, to speak kindness into the world. It is that time when we need to put that fear on the backseat again and share in each other's joy. No matter how you go about it, start with a small step, and then another. Life is about connection, joy, love, and happiness. Do not let the world be fractured. Take a step, smile at someone, say they look nice, and find some joy in the little things. 

May you be at peace, may your spirit show love, and may you know you are cared for, you are loved, and you deserve to share your kindness with the world.

Your friend



PS. How can you show kindness today?


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