Peace in Meditation

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Lately I have been thinking a lot about the process of slowing down. How does that look for me? I have hypertension and I am always go go go 1000% of the time. I recently took an online class and in it was a daily meditation. And while I loved the class, the meditation made me stop dead in my tracks, sit still and listen. I listened to my breath, my heart, and my soul. Getting me to sit still is a miracle, but I said if I was doing this class I was all in. I did the medications daily and I am still meditating.

I am a bull in a china shop through life. I am a very strong independent women who is used to being in charge of myself, my house, my world. Through meditation I learned to slow down and listen to what my body and soul were struggling to tell me. I needed to slow down. I would not miss anything if I sat for five minutes a day and meditated. While the class is done, I still listen to the meditations. I still sit quietly at the end of the day, with nothing on in the house, and listen. Breath in, breath out.

Meditation is not something I saw myself doing. Who has time to sit and breath? I am telling you that it is a game changer. When I take the time to quiet my mind and I hear myself thinking. I hear my mine clearly. I know my goals, I know what I want and need to do in life. I open my mind to let my heart be heard and to me this is such a gift. When I normally push through life, when I miss all the small things, when I get befuddled and lose myself into the mundane items of daily life,I lose my center, or as some say, my balance. I forget what is important and I go through my day like a robot on auto mode.

Medication has become a big part of my life. I love listening to Deepak  Chopra as I lay in bed at night he is on my spotify saying feel your feet, feel your hands, hear your breath. His voice alone is soothing, but the process of feeling parts of your body, placing your mind on your legs, your arms, your face, allows you to feel your entire body relaxing. Being present to breath, to feel, to relax is a gift. Meditation allows us to stop, focus, and feel. We are all obviously attached to our heads, but when was the last time you felt entirely connected to your entire body. When have you relaxed your body bit by bit.

Everyone has their own ways of relaxing, but if you are struggling with Covid, anxiety, or life, give meditation a try. Right now places who have a meditation room are closed. Might I suggest you light a candle or some incense, turn off the tv or radio and just sit. Just be with yourself. It may be uncomfortable at first, but in the end you will be happy you listened to your body. You felt every inch of it for the first time in a long time. Meditation allows ourselves the gift of being present, feeling every inch of our heart and soul, and in the process it relaxes us.

I want to go to our Atlanta meditation center once it reopens. I want to be in the presences of others who are present. I want to sit on a cushion and just be. Be open. Be present. Be listening to my breath and to enjoy it all. I want to soak in the quiet, the calm, and the peace. Lilly flowers always remind me of peace. They float on big pads, they connect under the water, they just float and just be.

I hope meditation and you meet soon. Even if , just like the class, it is only five minutes a day. I am still struggling with being a bull in a china shop in my own life, but I am a work in progress. I  am always striving to hear my heart and soul more and lean into loving meditating. I hope you find it relaxing and hear what is in your heart as well. Apparently sharing this all with you was on my heart.

Here is a link for Deepak and if you want to poke around, here is a link for the meditation center I want to visit. They have zoom meditation times for free if you want to engage in them.

Meditation Atlanta, Ga

Here is to inner peace while we are in a time of outer chaos.

Your story teller/poet


  1. I am an advocate for peace and am working on myself as well as trying to spread peace. Thank you for trying to help people relax and keep their sanity during these trying times. This is my blog:


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