Greetings, Stories, and Hello


Photo by  Tyler Lastovich

Greetings from Georgia. I wanted to say hello to everyone and do a check in with you all. Italy, you were hit hard and fast at the start of covid, you are all in my prayers and I appreciate all the love and support you show my little blog. You are strong! I know the road has been difficult and the struggles are real, but know you are in my thoughts. I think I hold a soft spot in my heart for you all because my grandfather, God rest his soul, was born and raised in Naples. His parents moved to America when he and his seven siblings were pretty young. I did not grow up with a big Italian family as I was hoping for as their was some family rift. I only knew my grandfather in the large family. *Special shout out to Naples* 

Everyone in America reading and supporting me, well what can I say, but thank you! Your following,support, and rooting me on ( I feel I hear you doing so) warm my heart so very much. I treasure you all and pray you are safe and well. Covid is killing so many people and I pray for our nation, each of your, and for all of us moving forward in this with caution and care.

To all the other nations who read this, you are loved, you are special, you are in my prayers too. Each of us has our own journey and right now they are all frozen together. We are connected by this for better or worse. I feel when anyone is hurting. For the people who cannot be buried with loved ones around, for the ones losing children, parents, family, for all those who lost jobs, who are trying to tread water while bricks are being tossed to them to sink them, for all of your wonderful humans, know you are in my thoughts, and my prayers.

Moving forward let us all stay those 6 feet away and wear our masks. Perhaps send letters again. Remember when we used to write things down and put them in a mailbox and then our loved ones got them? Maybe send emails, cards,love! I do not know the cure for all this, but the human spirit is strong. Together we are in this for better or worse. We can move forward in small steps and with love and compassion for one another. 

Know, as each of us struggles independently, that we are all connected by a thread. Lets make that thread stronger with compassion, with love, with voices raised in harmony instead of fear. Know that doing our best right now is all we can ask of anyone. To all of you who read this, you are loved! I pray we make it out the other side and look back stronger, nicer, with more empathy for people. Think of all of us who are hanging on by that thread, we need it stronger to hold us all.

Thank you all for your following along on my journey. This space is sacred to me. It is my small voice into the world. It is my peace. You are all in my prayers and I'll be talking to you soon.

Your story teller/poetess


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