Raining Emotions


Photo from Gabriel Diwald on Unsplash

Rainy days bring out the most emotions from my soul. They fill me with empathy, compassion,and a need to write. Rainy days are what I am thinking most of the time. Water washing us in soft light, pleasant sounds,a life stilled by the rain. We do not rush around in the rain. We stop, we regroup, we wait for the sun or at least a break in the storm. Sometimes my life feels like that storm.

While life is not all sunshine and rainbows, I do wish it were a little bit nicer to me. I do wish it was kinder to my day. I could use a little less gloom and some more sun rays shining down on me. Life just seems to be so strained these days. 

While Covid is still here, and seems to be settling in for the long haul, perhaps every other avenue of life needs to let up. Work, relationships, home stuff. Maybe the world could give us a break. Between stress and more stress which is mixed in with anxiety and everything else we can dream up, perhaps now is a good time to take a break.

Meditation is a great relaxer. You stop and slow your world down. You look deeper at yourself, perhaps come up with how you can help those in need around you. Perhaps you focus on being kinder to others or maybe work on writing that book you keep on saying you will finish. Maybe plant that garden you have always been talking about. Meditation comes in all forms. Maybe covid isn't all bad. Maybe its a long rainy day of emotions and it is showing us what is truly important. 

There are numerous sites that teach you how to meditate, but honestly it is watching your breathing, it is clearing your mind, it is filling it back up  AFTER the meditation and seeing clearly what is and what is not important. Emotions are raining down right now on us all. We are watching our loved ones die and we cannot gather for a funeral. We are seeing the virus rage, but we are wearing masks and so many people are still ill. We are doing as we are told, but it seems evil is running rampart.  Life is not always easy. 

I pray this finds you less in the struggle than the day before and that which each passing day you find more peace and less struggle. Covid has us all in a tizzy that much is true. Know you are in my mind and I am sending you all positive thought and light. May we all come out safely from our raining emotions and from this virus.

Your story teller/poet


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