Sunday Stories: Pumpkin Season


Pumpkin season is here. Bright orange pumpkins, white ones too. Bumpy wart-looking pumpkins, tiny pumpkins, large carving pumpkins oh my. Pumpkin pies, pumpkin rolls, and pumpkin cookies are all being made. 

This is the season of change. Changing leaves, changing what kind of food we cook, and changing how much we are outside. It is the perfect weather to go hiking. Also to pick up tiny acorns all over my backyard. 

This is the season of open windows, of children's laughter as they leap into piles of leaves, as they skip through the pumpkin patch and pick the perfect pumpkins. This is the season of pumpkin spice cake, or pumpkin spice coffee, of all things pumpkin.

This season is the season of outdoor festivals and traveling. Or perhaps taking your kite out to fly on the first fall blustery day. It is filled with cool breezes and candlelight. It is filled with jack-o-lanterns and all things to send us into a fright. There are haunted houses all over town. 

This is the season we gather together to give thanks, share blessings, and talk about holidays past. We remember family history, tell family jokes, gather to eat, share stories, and make new memories too. This is the season of togetherness. It is the season of cooking, baking, and exploring.

This is the season of my birthday. This is the month I turn another year older. My world is filled with lights, love, and warmth. Pumpkin decorations, a bat flag for Halloween. This is the year I buy new orange lights because mine are 20 years old and have stopped working right.

This season holds a very special place in my heart. 

It's the season I look for curly pumpkin tops. This is the season I finally go apple and pumpkin picking. This is the season of joy for me. I love all the changes when normally I hate change. I love all the baking, even though I don't bake the rest of the year. This is the season where I change. Where I relish the baking of cookies, scones, and bread. This is the season of color, smells, and crips air. This is my favorite season. What is yours?

Happy Autumn my friends,

Your friend,




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