A Karen & a Negative Nancy Combined
What happens when you encounter a Negative Nancy combined with a Karen?
Well, I will tell you, she will call you names, she will put you down, and try to make herself feel better. She is not worth the breath in your lungs. She is not worth getting upset over; trust me, that is way easier said than done.
Recently this bipolar person was on my property and as much as I wanted to monkey-stomp her, I just made her leave as quickly as possible. I work very hard not to have this kind of energy around me. Negativity is a soul sucker. It sucks your joy, it turns you dark, it takes you to places you never thought you would go.
What can be done? This person is surprised I cannot stand her or want to be around her, but she is one of many negative people who want to suck my joy and happiness away. So she is banned from this house, this property and no longer welcome to come around for holidays or anything really.
What or who do you know who is this kind of person. A basket that is empty of true warmth and kindness. A person so soured by her own life and her own life decisions that she wants the world and everyone in it to suffer.
Why is compassion taking a back seat in this person's life and so many others? What happened to us showing kindness? I cannot even tell you the last time I saw someone show compassion or kindness to another.
The Covid pandemic has been said to officially be over, but is it? I cannot help but wonder about our new anxieties, our new depression, and our new world and how we view it, How do we move forward from years of fear? From years of negative talk to ourselves and others? How do we take steps to heal ourselves?
I had someone I knew for a long time go through something really tough lately and when I asked her about the situation, her response was, " Oh well, It's fine" and I had to wonder why she was saying this. I was concerned about her and genuinely concerned. For those of you saying, Fine is not a feeling, you are correct. Why is that the response people give me when I truly ask, are you ok? Why are we sweeping this under the rug?
Our mental health is just as important as our physical health. We are not healed, whole, or fully functioning persons with one part of ourselves missing. Fine is not a feeling, so let me tell you how I am feeling, I feel lost, I feel like I lost part of myself in this Covid mess. I feel like part of my mind is at a constantly heightened level waiting for another shoe to drop. I worry excessively now about just about everything. Anxiety meds made me feel worse. I am not fine. I am not ok. I am a mess of what I used to be. Saying I have my shit together is so far from the truth I cannot even see fine.
I know as we move farther away from this pandemic I will heal some, but it may be time to seek someone professionally. While the Karens and Nancys are thriving in their harassment of others. They think they find a weak person, but when they came upon me I fight for what I want and I want negatively gone as much as I can get it gone.
I pray for sunshine and it rains, so I dance in the rain. I pray for peace and neighbors are washing their cars with music going and I smile and think of the joy they are having. I do not go complain. I do my best to make the most out of every situation. I see the empty basket as an opportunity to fill it with compassion, kindness, love, honesty, a welcome place for others to gather and discuss their emotions and we may not all see things the same way, but for me, Karen can stay home and off my property. Karen you and Nancy are just not welcome here. Move it along!
So how are you really? Reach out if you need to talk. I will be glad to listen.
Your friend,
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