Sunday Stories: Time Spent Well.

Us At Cathedral Coffee

This is the coffee shop 
 Yesterday was a day well spent. We drove thirty miles to a local church, with a coffee house in it. The coffee tasted so smooth and wonderful dancing on my tongue. I was told about the breakfast biscuits that were almost sold out. We, my husband and I each ordered one. We got the last two biscuits, and they did not disappoint and were only $4 each, so for  $12, we got a great breakfast and coffee. We spent an hour sitting, sipping, eating and chatting. It was a great slow start to what was quickly going to become a busy day. Thank you Cathedral Coffee for fueling our day. 

Secondly, we hit a local convention. Spend $7 to get in and $7 on things we bought. It was full of artists we love, with jewelry and hand-drawn art. We spent maybe an hour at this convention, which was local, and we walked through it a few times. Since we are not going to Dragoncon this year, this little convention was perfect. Another hour was well spent. 

After this, we decided to go get some food. We stopped at our favorite little places to each and talked, ate, and enjoyed what we thought was going to be our last stop of the day. Friends of my husband could not make it to the Macon Bacon baseball game. They had all-you-can-eat wristbands and gave them to the hubs, so back to Macon we went for a baseball game. The heat was horrendous, well because I like Georgia. 

So we made it to the 5th inning and I thought I was going to pass out, so we headed home. These temps in Georgia are no joke. After an hour outside and 4 bottles of water, I was over the game. Free or not, it was time to get home and back into the AC. During the five innings a lady was hit by a bounding ball and a fly ball hit a young girl way on up in the stands. Both were ok. 

Cherry Icee in hand we head home. It was a long day, a hot day, a fun day. It was all time well spent with my hubs. I was very happy when he said, " Yeah, we can go home." The heat index was 107!. No one should be out in that heat. The players should not have been playing in that heat, but play they did. Did they win? I never checked. I was glad to be home, showered, and just went to bed. 

This is where we stayed. The stands were hot and filled with people, so we took our food to the outfield to eat and enjoy the game. The sky, once the sun lowered over the top of the stands, was cooler. We hooked it to the car after one more photo of us and were so happy to be home, thankful for friends who shared the tickets with us. And at the end of the day, it was all time well spent with my husband. Coffee, a con, dinner out, and a game. Heat or not. I am happy to be home now, in the AC, and enjoying some relaxation.

This is us at the game. We laughed, we smiled a lot, we talked, and we rooted on the home team.

Spending time with loved ones, spending time on adventures, and spending time outdoors (normally) is all fun. I do not know how people do not believe climate change is real. The feel-like temps in Georgia have all been 105,107.109,110. This is not a normal temp for Georgia to feel. It would be hot, but temps like 97, 98, and about that, right now the earth is starting to heat up to temps that will end us all. 

I pray you are inside, safe and ok. Please take care of yourself if you have to be outside in this heat. Make sure you drink plenty of water and stay safe.

Your friend,



PS. What is your favorite summer activity?


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