Missing Life

                                                Photo by Matt Hoffman on Unsplash

I miss life! I know I am blessed to still be able to go into my office and work. I am considered essential because of working with children, but its those after hours, those weekends, when I really miss life.

Quarantine has us all in our own little bubbles. It has us learning new crafts. Thank you YouTube. It has us inventing new dinners, because you cannot go out to eat. It has us held like a prisoner in our own homes. This virus is deadly and we all want to be safe, but I just want to say UNCLE! I am still just going to work, home, repeat. I am just doing what you all are doing to stay safe.

There are people who have made all sorts of jokes about this virus. Like its interfering with taco Tuesday and corona is stopping it.(that not the whole joke) but you get the point. Life has us frozen in time. There are history jokes that 2020 wont be included because we all stayed in and nothing happened. I appreciate all the humor because it keeps me from killing people.

This virus has got me cooking, cleaning everything, drawing again, working on art, submitting my photos to my sites that sell my items and it has me writing my second book. ALL good things, but at some point enough! I need to go to a coffee shop and go in and people watch. It fills my soul. I love watching people and attaching a story to them. For instance once I saw two older men sitting together sipping their coffee and I imagined that they met weekly, they spoke of old times, their wives, and their lives in the past. I could not hear them and I do not want to, I want to invent lives. I am a writer after all.

We are all struggling with this virus one way of another,but I did see a video of a jelly fish going through the Venice canals yesterday and I thought ( yesterday was Earth day) that the earth is purging itself. It is breathing for the first time because all the humans are inside. Maybe this is what the world needed and it is sighing with relief we are all not treading on it.

Whatever the reason, whatever you are doing through this, know we are ALL in this together. Some people might not want others in it, but dang nab it, we are ALL in it. Everywhere in the world, together, fighting to stay alive, flatten the curve, and do all we can to move forward in whatever way that may be.

I for one cannot wait to go out to a public park, go hiking along trails and smile at people again. Wave to someone I do not know just because we are hiking the same trail. I cannot wait to drink coffee IN a coffee shop and hear people's stories in my mind. May we all find some way to get through this, some way to GROW through it. Maybe we needed to home school to appreciate teachers, maybe we needed to be more appreciative of food store workers. This is teaching us so much about who we are , what we appreciate, and honestly what is really important to us, our families. I have seen people post family drive by parades for peoples birthdays. I have seen teachers sitting outside a house so a child can understand a math lesson, we are coming together through this. We are growing as a world. May we all make it to the other side better human beings!

I pray you are well, that your family is safe, and that you grow as a human in dealing with this any way you can get through it.

Your story teller/poet


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