Party of a Lifetime

                                 Photo by Ben Rosett on Unsplash

Life, right now, is devoid of these kinds of pictures. No one at the table together with friends and family. None of us gathered on our neighbors porches. No one letting their kids play with our kids on the grass in the front yard. All of us  collectively grounded by mother earth. All sent to our rooms at the same time to let Earth be. While some of us have noticed fish in the canals in Italy, or cleaner air from less cars on the road,to fewer items we need in stores, you cannot ignore perhaps life has gotten a little better. Yes Covid is here, yes it is horrible, but in the mist of all this some good things are coming out of this horrible time.

Families are spending more quality time together. Families are biking together. They are playing board games together, and making  homemade  dinners. We are all helping children with school work, with life, we are showing kindness to neighbors who are elderly and cannot shop. We are all slowing down, which a huge amount of us needed. While I am still at work, so many are not. People are struggling to pay bills, to live, to not fall behind, but also playing with their children, reconnecting with their spouses. There are good and bad things to this whole mess.

When this subsides and it will, we need to gather and potluck it up!! We need to celebrate each other and remember it take a village to raise a child. We are all part of that village. Life is slow paced now and while it is making people jumpy because they need to go go go, take this time to reboot. Slow down, stop, reboot, and learn something new. God bless the internet because when we can all gather we will be able to teach each other all sorts of new crafts. Good and bad to this, I am just saying life is not all lemons and definitely not all lemonade. It is a mix, a blend perhaps of all the lemons and lemonade meaning yes this virus is out there, it is deadly, but if you are sheltering in place and watching movies that have been on your list, or digging a flower bed up for your new garden, perhaps painting a room, a project, a canvas, well then maybe, just maybe, this is a good time to reconnect.

Start thinking up dishes for parties and potlucks because I am sure there will be one hell of a party when this is all over.  Covid 19 Party all over the world. Pray, send light, whatever you do, for all those infected, dying, their families, everything going on, but remember "This too shall pass" and it will. Shelter in place until then and be safe.

May God keep you and bless us all!
Your story teller/poet


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