Mother Earth & a Sunday Story

 Photo by Robert Murray on Unsplash

Today was a great day. I went out into the world and I touched the earth, or it touched me. I felt the dirt under my toes, and beach on my feet, heard the whirl of birds flying by, and the honk honk of the geese overhead, and I felt connected to it all!

With being so inside my own head and house it was nice to picnic with my husband, It was nice to sit on the beach with him and talk. It was nice to eat a hot dog outside. There is a lake about thirty minutes from my house. I have not been in a while. I have not walked barefoot in a while outside either. I have felt a divide between me and Mother Earth.

I struggle with my tiny world and just staying afloat. I did an art piece the other day and I titled it Riddled with Anxiety. It is chaos on the page. It is swirls and colors and black and white and dots and dashes. It is my anxious mind letting loose on the page. 

Today I let my mind rest. I set my intention to be present. I took some phone photos but mostly left my phone in my pocket. I watched the waves hit the sand when a boat or water skier would go by and waves were sent my way. I watched the children leap at them in joy and try to go under their tiny water waves. 

I saw birds circling above looking for morsels left behind when others left. I felt connected to the water, the birds, and the earth. This week was Earth Day and I have realized that I celebrate it every single day. I love connecting to this world. I have shifted away from items that would harm the earth to earth-friendly options. I am trying to do my part. I am trying to be more conscious about what I buy and how I am affecting this earth.

I feel connected
I feel disconnected
I feel my feet in the dirt,
I feel my feet in the sand.

I stand alone, watching the waves,
they go in, they go out, they go on,
the earthmoving and taking me with it,
I am a small widget in this big wheel.

Mother Earth cries out, she is hurting,
we are a cog in this world's wheel,
We move about as chaos and ghosts,
sighing with each devastation to our planet.

Mother Earth we are here to help, but we hurt you,
Mother Earth tell us what you need,
we are listening to you breathing, sighing in pain,
we want to do better, teach us your children what to do.

I feel disconnected, I feel connected, 
I feel disheartened, I feel hopeful,
Mother Earth we are all connected,
we strive to do better for you. 

I have been listening to Nahko bear, I have been reading books on Native Americans, I feel a strong connection to this world, and having my feet on the ground and my toes in the sand today made my sigh a heavy sigh I did not know I was holding in. I breathed deep, I watched the water, I felt the dirt under my feet, I felt the connection and it was palpable. This day was a good one. I pray you also had a great Sunday. 

Happy Sunday sweet friends,

Your poet, storyteller,




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