Sunday Stories: Hoppy Easter


Today is Easter. It is the day he has risen. It is also the day I sliced my finger, woke up grumpy, and just want to curl up and cry. Somedays are like that. Some days hurt more than others, but we push on because we must and we make the most out of it.

I have dinner in the crockpot. We always do ham with sweet potatoes and carrots. You just put them in and then pour syrup on them. We do it every easter. Devilled eggs are in the fridge and sadly we are past the time when the easter bunner visits us. 

It is the beginning of the hot season in Ga. Today it will reach 80, but the end of the week 85. Spring is a very fickle pickle season. It comes in and goes out in what seems like a moment. We keep sneezing so we know spring is still around. 

Easter is a very religious holiday and I have noticed over the years it is less about him and more about the world and what is happening in it. He has risen from the dead and we are all saying, well okay. The miracle diminished over the years and what won over is easter candy, easter bunnies, and filling our kids full of sugar. 

This photo above was taken in 2014. It took me a few hours to even find it on my hard drive. It was a time I took a sheet outside, I made some hardboiled eggs, I went out back and snapped the photo. Trying to capture Easter in a way that reminds me to still enjoy easter. This basket is truly one of my favorites. I may keep it down out of the attic this year it is so cute.

I hope today finds you in awe of the miracle, but if it now your jam then I pray you have a great day, holiday, meal with family, or whatever you decide to do. It is a three day weekend for me as we have off Good Friday. Good indeed! 

May your eggs be yummy, my your family be blessed by coming together and being safe, may your chocolate not melt, and may you always notice the miracles around you and rejoice in them. For it was a very long time ago that he rose, but he rose from the dead. Now that is something to rejoice in.

Happy Easter to you all friends,

Your story teller/Writer




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