A Winter Wedding


                                             Photo by Nyana Stoica on Unsplash

This coming week I am a bride at my own winter wedding. Georgia is a fickle pickle and what we thought was going to be a chilly wedding day will actually be 77 out. What we thought was going to be chilly will now be hot. We are packing shorts, and pants and dresses and dress shoes and flip flops, sweaters, and every other seasonal wear. We haven't a clue what is going to happen, but we are driving so we are packing everything except the kitchen sink. *that is mounted into the cabinets or I may try to bring that too*

I am marrying a kind and loving man. He is quiet and gives his heart freely. We have known each other for some 20 plus years and have been together going on seven years now. Life is short and I plan on spending the rest of mine married to this amazing man. We have changed plans and are marrying in a park that we love in Savannah. We are going out for a seafood dinner, we are doing whatever we want to. I bought a black dress for a wedding. Yep, I am that bride. Honestly, I haven't been a bride in some 37 years.

This new season in my life, I am sure, will also be filled with surprises and fickle pickle moments. I am sure that we think we know our lives and in all reality, we have not a clue of what life is actually handing down to us. I know that I am his bride and he is my groom and that this is it for each of us. We should have gotten married earlier in life but too many ducks not lining up. This winter season the ducks aligned. 

As we move into this winter season, I am for one, looking forward to the light in my life and marrying him. I am looking forward to spring and blooms. I am looking forward to Mr. & Mrs. and the life we build together. This man has had my heart for so long and I am so happy to be his Mrs. Winter will never look the same as it will be us celebrating our love together each year. We decided each anniversary we will go back to the same hotel and celebrate ourselves. 

I pray this winter finds you seeing the light coming at the end of this cold and very snowy season (though no snow in Georgia ) Know that if life is sucking right now it can change when you are looking away. It will fly up and change in an instant. I did not see myself getting remarried, but here I am two days away from I Do. Know good things are coming even if right now you cannot see the light. 

I recently read a book on habits. It was called Atomic Habits by James Clear. He suggested changing some habits 1% each day. Anyone could do one percent.  My takeaway is change is in your grasp, one percent at a time. Also, he suggested once you change a habit, maybe stack it with another one. Say your new habit is taking the trash out before work, but then you start to add walk around the block before driving to work after you take out the trash. Pretty soon you were changing your habits a tiny bit at a time. If life is sucking right now give it a try. What do you have to lose? A little at a time do something new and before you know it you are out of the darkness and into the light and living your best life. 

Sometimes you are in charge of the darkness, sometimes not, but changing something in your life cannot be anything but good for you. This winter may you achieve all the new habits you want to, may the winter be nice to you, may your loved ones be close, may you all be enjoying the light of each other's love.

Happy Wintering

See you as a Mrs. in the next post.

Your friend,



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