Sunday post on a Tuesday

 Greetings everyone. It is that time of year when time slips away. This past weekend I was decorating and it took a lot longer than I expected. I pray you are all well and safe. 

This week as we approach the holidays I wanted to share something mental health-wise. As the seasons approach, I know deep melancholy washes over me. I also know seasonal depression is a real thing. My grandparents were the ones who made the holidays the holidays great, but they have long since left this earth, but each year around this time it hits me that again, they will not be with me. I have all their holiday decor out in my home and I am blessed to have it all. I see each piece and it makes me sad and happy at the same time. Missing loved ones' past is so hard at the holidays no matter when they passed. 

Remember them fondly. Sit with your sadness and let it wash over you until it washes away. The seasons are full of the family we are not around daily, it is full of ups and downs constantly. It is a time to do our best and be ok with the rest. We cannot control people, we cannot bring back the people who passed, but we can know they loved us, that our family cares even as they argue with us. Life at its best times is a roller coaster, but at its worse, it is an angry volcano. 

I pray the holiday season gives you time and peace to let the emotions sit with you, listen to them, take what you need, and leave the rest. Just because it is there does not mean you have to pick it up. And remember that some of the heaviest things are emotional things and those too you can choose to let go of. 

Let us talk about 2022. First off that number looks weird, doesn't it? Second I do not make resolutions. It has never been my thing, but I do try to set an intention for the year. I know tons of people who set a word to guide them also. I like to set an intention, this year is the year I pay attention to writing, to my art, to whatever else you may enter there. For me, it is about being more intentional about something that I was like eh in 2021 but in 2022 I want to tackle.

As we move into what, year three of Covid, I pray you are well, safe, vaccinated, and begin to spend time with your family and friends again. I pray you are loved and feel love through this holiday season, but if no one has told you lately, you are amazing, you are smart, you are enough as you are right this very minute. May you know that this world may be cruel sometimes, but keep that heart of yours open and great things will come your way.

Happy Holidays to you all in whatever way you celebrate them. Let those emotions sit with you, listen to them, and know they and I have your back. Here is to a great end of a year for you all. For me, I will become a grandma very soon. I am also getting remarried after Christmas. This year has had some tumultuous times, but at the end of it, I am so blessed to have made it through another year.

Happy Holidays,

Your story teller/poet

Debbie xoxoxox


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