

Winter is filled with quiet nights snuggled up on the couch. It is staying warm under piles of blankets. It is dark by four pm and cocoa by the gallons to stay warm. It is game night, tv specials, and Christmas music playing on repeat. This year it is also my first grandbaby and my wedding. This year has been hard. So many of us have lost loved ones. It is the second year of a pandemic. It is trying to buy groceries and remain safe at the same time. It has been challenging at its best, devastating at its worse. 

Winter is not my favorite season. It is usually mild in Georgia, but we still have those bitter days like today where the wind will whip through you. The cold seeps in every bone making everything ache. It is days like these that I wish this season did not exist, but yet it does. I make the best of tea and biscuits or make coffee slowly instead of using the machine. It is a time when I can sit and knit, sit and read, or just sit and game with my honey. Winter is a gift we are given. It allows us time to reflect, relax, and reconnect with friends and loved ones. This winter I am embracing this season. Cold and all!

Perhaps I will work on my painting skills, take a class on pottery, or learn something else new. I slow down during this season and reexamine where I  want to be at the end of 2022. I think of what I want to know by December 2022. I really would love to learn pottery, maybe knit a granny square blanket, somehow just master something new. Winter gives me the quiet time to explore what I would like to do with 2022.

This season is not my favorite, but it comes around every year and I have learned to make friends with it. I used to hate this season with such a fierce passion, but now I am choosing to embrace it. I am wintering with winter. I am enjoying the quiet hush of the season and slowing down with it. This only took me decades to come to enjoy this season. Apparently, I am slow at changing how I feel about something. Winter and I have become friends. We are leaning on each other now for support, me to enjoy the quiet calmer months and winter for learning how to slowly work its way into my heart.

This time of year can be magical if we allow it to be. If we welcome the darkness with candlelight. If we make smores over the fire pit, if we drink cocoa and enjoy the time knitting or gaming or doing extra things with loved ones. Welcome winter! We are now good friends and I look forward to tea and cozy blankets and candlelight to snuggle by. Maybe my heart was like the grinches and this year it grew three sizes in loving winter.

May this holiday season be a blessing to you all. May your homes be warm and your hearts be light. If you do not like winter or the dark so early in the day, hold tight to knowing we are on our way back into the light now. Winter Solstice was yesterday and little by little the light will return and along with its warm weather. For now, though, enjoy some cocoa, learn something new, and spend extra time snuggling the ones you love.

Happiest Merriest of Holidays to you all. 

Love, Debbie



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