Snow Story


 A Winter Wonderland

Snowed Branches remind me of sugared candy for some reason.

 Georgia does not get much snow. These are from my home state of New Jersey. North Georgia this weekend is supposed to get 1-3 inches of snow and then black ice. For those of us from the north, this does not seem like a lot, except people in this state are not used to driving on ice, driving in snow, and I pray everyone is safe.

This cold has sunk its teeth into the deep south as well. This week our lows hit 27 and it is that time of year where we have to let the cars warm up while we freeze inside the icebox of a car and wait for the heat to melt our windshields.

For some reason, this year is hitting me hard with the cold. I'm in flannel pj's, in sweaters, making so much cocoa that soon I will float away Willie Wonka's chocolate stream. 

I love the snow. I love it when I am home with nowhere to go and nothing to do until it melts. This weekend I was supposed to go to my son's, but he is expecting that snow stuff and who knows when I could safely return home.

Life just seems to be filled with so many uncertainties. With Covid and all its variants running amuck and loved ones dying, along with the cold and misery feeling we get with the gray of winter, well life can feel overwhelming. I am trying my best to work my way through it with my art, with my creating new things, with writing and republishing my book on Amazon. My short stories can be found HERE .

I have written myself through covid. I have submitted to numerous platforms and magazines. I have found words difficult and abundant through the third wave of covid. Again I do not feel safe even leaving my house. Anxiety is high again and been working on focusing my words, painting, and sketching. Art has helped me get through this last few years and I am so glad we have become better friends.

I pray you are safe, I pray you are warm. I pray you have food in your home, heat, and loved ones to keep you company.  May you be loved, warm and safe.

What are you doing to get through this chaos known as life?

Your friend,


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