Sunday Stories, Planning

The best-laid plans get off-kilter in a split second. We plan our days, week, and months activities and someone breaks an ankle or perhaps we meal planned and the food store doesn't have the one thing we truly needed to make our favorite dish. We plan our days down to the last minute and something always throws us off. 

When my kids were young I always planned activities and the rest of the time I let them play outside or just play in their room or the living room or wherever. I always felt having some free time to play make-believe was crucial to their development. We did a lot of arts and crafts. We did a lot of hiking together. 

We would plan day trips. We would plan overnight trips. We planned camping trips. Every one of those activities got screwed up along the way. We pivoted. We adapted. We changed course to encompass the way the children's moods changed. Done with hiking, but still in the woods, sit and have a picnic. Over the camping trip, run home and let the kids shower in their house. ( we camped close to home ) Whatever happened, whatever changed the plans, we adjusted.

Making plans through covid was tough. We all wanted to see our loved ones, but we adjusted how we did that and we face timed with our loved ones to keep them safe. We planned to go see grandma and grandpa but instead, we were locked in our own homes. Life keeps throwing curveballs. I have learned to just let things go. I used to get so stressed and if the kids asked for a snack, I wanted to say, no, but when I look into those faces I handed them a snack even though they had one five minutes ago. 

Life is full of challenges. It laughs at our plans. It tempts us to think we are in control when the universe truly has us following its path. We plan our lives and our loved ones have a stroke. We plan our day and we get a flat on the way to the store. We plan we plan, we plan. We feel like we have some control when we plan and we do, but only to some degree. Today I planned on getting to work early. Instead, I passed three accidents and was grateful I was safe. I was late to work, but you know what? I was safe. Tons of ambulances rushing people to the hospital and I was just stuck in traffic. I am ok with that.

Planning is sometimes a good thing as long as we do not try to control the entire day. We have to let the world guide us and help us along our way. I was supposed to write to you yesterday. I plan to write on my blog but you know what, the family stopped in town and I was so excited to see my son, all my plans left my head and I knew I just wanted to see him. My plans got pushed to today, and I am sorry I missed you all on Sunday, but I am glad we are sharing a Sunday on a Monday together.

May your best plans be thrown off by family, by loving someone when they need it, and by allowing yourself to follow life's flow. May you be loved and spoiled and the best ways even though your plans got thrown out or changed to another day. For me, I plan on letting life lead me and guide me as I make loose plans and take it a day at a time.

Much love

Your storyteller/Poet




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