Sunday Stories, Senses Edition


Last week's post was about smells. I was telling you about essential oils. This week I want to talk to you about sight. When we rush from one thing to another we miss so much. Our eyes glance over different things, but we never really see them.

I love to hike. The woods are my happy place. But if I just wander and do not actually see the forest then I miss so much and obviously, Autumn has so much to see with all its colors, but if we hike conscientiously, we will notice so much more. First off leave no trace Pack it in, pack it out. Do not leave the woods anyway other than how you have found it.

Second, as you walk, look at what has walked where you now are. There are always animal tracks in the woods. You will notice animals leaving feathers, fur, droppings, paw prints, and more. Take time to notice what is below your feet.  With that said look up. Get right next to a tree trunk and gaze up its side and notice how it seems to touch the sky. Notice where the bark has been eaten off by animals. There is much to see when looking up. 

Be as quiet as possible when in the woods and you will be rewarded with deep, squirrels, and other animals passing your path. When I was hiking with my bestie years ago, he was a little ahead of me and turned to me and put one finger to his lips. I shushed and then the deer walked between us. We were both mounting OH MY GOODNESS! A momma walked between us and we knew not to move because then her babies came following her. 

Seeing, actually really seeing the world around us is amazing. The last time I went hiking my sister was down and she wanted to go see where I hike. I took her and within the first quarter mile, she saw an alligator on a log sunning herself. (We were told it was a she ) My sister had never seen one up close. She was amazed. Farther up the trail was a path down to the water and lord I almost fell down into the mud. She caught me. We were about to cross a bridge and she said, "What is on the bridge" and low and behind it was a water moccasin. He was laying coiled up sunning himself. I knew they don't like vibration so I started just stomping, my sis said no let us just turn around. It jumped into the water from my stomping. We crossed. We hiked for a little bit more and sat on a bench. We looked at all the glorious woods. We drank water and walked about the day and a momma deer and her babies crossed our paths. My sister hikes all the time, but with us both looking down we noticed tracks, we noticed snakes, alligators and so much more. 

We noticed the dappled sunlight dancing on the ground. We noticed tons of animal tracks. We noticed light, leaves, animals, and so much more. I'm pretty sure she thought I was going to feel her to the alligator. We were told by a ranger there was a male alligator in the pond as well. We saw hawks and all sorts of birds. Had we been yapping away while hiking we would have missed seeing so much.

When we were leaving we noticed a banana spider in a web. He was weaving as we watched. My sister loved our hike and we saw so many wonders in the woods. We saw holes in trees where animals lived, we saw webs, hives, water, trees, light, and a whole bunch more. If we take the time to listen to nature and truly be present, our sight will catch so much and our hearts will feel blessed.

May you see all the wonderful details of life this week. A petal, a heart rock, whatever it may be. Sight is a gift I plan on using well. I pray will as well.

Here is to a week filled with seeing all the things we normally miss.

Your friend,




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