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Showing posts from August, 2024

Autumn's Coming

I have been pushing Summer out. Before you get mad at me, Summer in Georiga has gotten unbearable. this heat catches your breath and you struggle to breathe, so I pushed summer out. I have been wearing fall shirts for a few weeks. I have even brought sweaters to work to pretend it is cold, which is in my office, so that works. Come on Autumn Fall is all pumpkins and orange, red, and yellow leaves. It is a time when nature reminds us that all change is not bad. The colors mix and the fragrance of cinnamon simmers on the stove. Hot cocoa is being made again, and blankets are returning to the nightly routine when the temperatures are dipping down.  This time of year makes me so happy and this year my husband and I planned a trip for my b day, which coordinates with the leaves changing colors. I love photographing the change in season. It makes me so happy to see them change and when they fall off the trees they dance around me and remind me that change is coming again. I started making te
                              This is New Jersey in Winter and the 110-degree weather has me dreaming of snow. This is where my sister used to life and her favorite home if you ask her.  As with every snow you get locked into the house due to the cold weather, I needed some air, so I took a walk into the snow. My nose froze, my hair froze, my mittens mittens required and I think I was out walking for maybe ten minutes then walked back to her home and spent the next fifteen minutes taking off all my layers. It is Summer right now and this heat is killing me. It feels like 110 every single day and breathing outside is hard. I cannot believe I am writing this, but I am craving the cold. I will even take an 80-degree day. This 100-110 daily for months is too much. We cannot open a curtain or a window. It never gets cool enough to open a window, so what are you to do? Place games, binge-watching tv shows?  When I am with my sister and it is winter we bake. Bake homemade muffins, or homemade