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Autumn's Coming

I have been pushing Summer out. Before you get mad at me, Summer in Georiga has gotten unbearable. this heat catches your breath and you struggle to breathe, so I pushed summer out. I have been wearing fall shirts for a few weeks. I have even brought sweaters to work to pretend it is cold, which is in my office, so that works. Come on Autumn

Fall is all pumpkins and orange, red, and yellow leaves. It is a time when nature reminds us that all change is not bad. The colors mix and the fragrance of cinnamon simmers on the stove. Hot cocoa is being made again, and blankets are returning to the nightly routine when the temperatures are dipping down.

 This time of year makes me so happy and this year my husband and I planned a trip for my b day, which coordinates with the leaves changing colors. I love photographing the change in season. It makes me so happy to see them change and when they fall off the trees they dance around me and remind me that change is coming again.

I started making tea at home, and the cocoa has come out. My favorite fall mugs are in rotation, and I look forward to wearing warm clothes. This is my season. Apple picking, apple spiced donuts in rotation. This year we will do some scenic drives to see all the colors that north Georgia has to show us. 

There is one state park I love to go to. Just look at those gorgeous trees and colors. I go to it every and I love it. The hiking, with my bad knee, I sadly cannot hike, but I remember it fondly. We will picnic here when we go. We will picnic on the ground or at one of the many picnic tables provided. We love nature and when winter comes these leaves will fall, but then the stars are so close I feel I can pick one right out of the sky.  I love using apps and turning my phone all around to identify different all kinds of constellations. 

Whatever the season there is always something fun today. Last night the lightening bugs were back and again, I screamed for joy. I love seeing them dancing around my backyard. They spread light all over the yard and it looks like tiny dancers.

Autumn is definitely my favorite season. What is your fav season and why? I would love to know. Autumn comes late for Georgia. Usually, peak season around here is mid to end of November. I watch my Georgia park leaf peeping site, so this way I know which parts are at peak. 

Happy Autumning (yes I made up a word) I got my degree in English Literature. That allows me to make up words. I am sticking to my story. hahahha

I pray, whatever:  season you are entering into that you get a chance to enjoy the great outdoors and have some fun. Take photos with your phone and capture the beauty. 

Your Autumn loving friend,

Debbie xoxoxoxo


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