~~Friday Alert~~

Todays is Friday and I thank the lord. I take blessings in anyway they come and friday is one im totally thankful for.Im a single mom. I work fulltime. Im going back to college in TWO WEEKS (eeeeeeek) Yeah a little scared.Been about 6 years since ive attempted it. I look forward to my weekends.They are filled with errands and chores and laundry,but I love (most of the time) doing it.Means im moving forward. Means im keeping up.Means less to do during the upcoming week. Did I mention the single mom thing. My daughter goes back to school the 9th.We have open house coming up.School supplies are already bought. We are ready!! I hope this time of year finds you ready for what is coming your way.Be it School for your kids, a child starting for the first time or you going back to college ,like me, to finish your degree. I hope you weekend is all you need it to be.Enjoy the summer ,it goes by fast!!


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