Holiday Rush

Well hello again online world. Ive been really busy with working fulltime,going to college and night and being a mom. I hope all is well with you.I have some new bookmarks in my etsy shop that are adorable and perfect for a little holiday gift. I hope you all enjoy the upcoming holidays and dont feel rushed.I try to get all my stuff done in november..the shopping,the baking (then freezing) and anything else I can. I find then it makes December more enjoyable and I can do more.More fun activities like seeing our towns x mas tree lite or going out for hot cocoa with the kids or watching Rockefeller centers tree lite.We watch it every year its a tradition at my home. Growning up in NJ I never miss seeing it (well cept those four years overseas when the Armed forces network didnt show it ) I hope you are getting filled with the spirit and not the rush. Wishing you a happy,healthy holiday season.


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