Summer is only a Date

Summer does not officially begin till almost the end of June, but in Georgia we start way earlier then that. The AC is on, the lightening bugs are out, and late nights by the fire are ALMOST coming to a close. The other night I spotted my first lightening bug and screamed for joy. I am so an 8 yr old little girl sometimes and for some reason those buggers bring me so much joy. I have noticed bees already too!

Pink also seems to be in the season. I notice cone flowers, peonies blooming, all sorts of pinks and this one above comes with a bee. Tis the season of flowers and bees and lightening bugs. My heart is light.

Even the peonies are pinks all around. Their color is so scrumptious if I could eat it up I would. Spring/summer in Georgia is filled with beauty. Filled with color and now lightening bugs.

Cherry Blossom season is past, but I have so many photos of them I am constantly reminded of their beauty.Their color against a blue sky makes me swoon. The trees are usually filled with bees and I am very happy that I do not bother them and they leave me alone. 

Pink Carnations always make their way into my home about this time. They make me happy too. Okay so pretty much this is my happiness season. I long for pink although I own nothing pink. The irony is not lost on me. I am not a girly girl. I don't like massages, nails, hair, pampering myself with those things. I will buy myself flowers in a NYC second.

Camellias bloom in January/February time frame and I have to say I love having them burst through winter, which hello Georgia, not a real winter, and show up and make us dream of spring. The light, the colors, only thing better is if it had a nice fragrance to transport me, but I have an imagination. I love the color pink. Who knew right?

 Lastly I DO have some ikea kitchen towels with roses and pinks. They make my heart also happy. I find them a little frilly and enjoy the colors of them, but also pink flowers again. The flowers and colors and fragrance of them wrapped around my old muffin tin is perfect. The window light and tea make great friends to pair with the towel and muffins.

I find colors DO set moods. People tend to be made when it comes to reds and robust colors. Color therapy is a whole thing but with me, sometimes a girl just needs a little pink.

Hope Spring/Summer finds your corner of the world soon, but for now ciao!

Your story teller/writer/poet



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