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Midnight Writing

I used to write after midnight. The hours between midnight and 4 AM were the only times I had to write as my kids grew up. I have been sick and now awake at 2AM again. Why are these hours always calling me to write? The above photo is of my old office. I have since moved into another room of my home as my home office. It's all mine for the first time that I have an entire room to write in. It's now Labor Day and it is an extra day to write. I woke up coughing as I had been dealing with some health issues lately. I realize though that I have missed writing in these wee hours.

The wee hours of the morning and the house is entirely quiet. No one stirs in these wee hour morning hours. Not even the cat. It has been a long time since I needed to write, and the need woke me up.  I am dealing with coughing and allergic reactions to things and have been in and out of two med stops for help. Apparently, the cough medicine is not working, as I am typing to you at 2:35AM.

I used to write during these super early mornings and I miss it, so happy my body woke me up and I found my way to my blog again. Today, in the USA, is Labor Day. An extra day off. I am thankful as I am still finding myself sick. It has been a long time since I yawned at this hour and took to typing. I even have a bracelet that says, Midnight Writer, which I do not believe I have worn in a long time.

Why is writing in the middle of the night so appealing to me? It is quiet for one, it's when my brain can filter out what I truly want to say. It is an hour where I do not censor my writing so much that it stops me every few words and I wonder if I wrote something correctly. 

I have music playing in the background and I think about how music usually helps me sleep but this time it woke me up. I have a few poetry writings as well that I wrote in the middle of the night. Sometimes words float to me and wake me as well. Both of my poems Feather is a masculine poem that popped into my head one night and Linger is its counterpart. Both came to me while I slept and I love how both turned out. Most of my work I write as it comes to my mind, but these two came to me while I slept and I love both of them so much. One appears masculine and one feminine, but I love how they play against one another. There is a push and pull to the pieces.

My most loved piece, I wrote is about writing. It has over 64K  views. Why writing is So Difficult It is one of my favorite pieces I ever wrote. I have been writing for decades now, but this is the first post after years of sleeping through the night that I write to you at 3AM. I hope you enjoy the pieces I highlighted in the post and perhaps you can share with me what you write. What is your blog site? What do you like to write and what inspires you? I pray you are all resting well. 

When you wake up and find this here, please comment and tell me what you write? Why do you write? I love to know what makes people write what they do.

Happy Slumbering to you all,

Your friend,

Debbie xooxoxo



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