2020 Goals and Words

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Well we made it. We are in 2020 and there has been a big push the last few years for us to determine our word for the year or set a goal and figure out steps to make it happen. I think this is why I have never been a new years eve girl. I go to bed. I sleep right through it. Goals are great but we all know they do not stick for the majority of us. Words hold no power over us. If we say Honor is our word, what does that look like for you? What actions will you take? Most people pick a word with no plan.

2020 is another year, another day, another calendar. Honestly if you want to have goals great, but know it will take at least 90 days of you doing your goal for it to become a habit. And with you choosing a word, you need to have something behind it. Not just a word. What does that word look like in actions for you. Is it saying yes to new possibilities, is it taking a new job, or is it something like just keeping your word this year to everyone you give it to. Picking a word to me means nothing without a plan behind it.

2020 is a new fresh year. I get it, but to me it is another new day. Every day is a gift and every day is a chance for you to do better, be kinder, help others, find some way to make yourself a better person. Each day is a day to spread kindness to those around us. It is a chance to work better at our jobs, at our family, and at our daily existence. You do not need a word, you need a kinder heart. Love deeply and give your heart freely. Life is going to give you lemons, Do something with them other then lemonade.

Goals are a great thing to set for the new year, but make them realistic. Don't say, I will travel to three countries, when you do not have money to travel. Set real solid goals. I will get up an hour earlier to write, I will help my elderly neighbor with her yard work, I will host pot lucks for my neighborhood. Each small item we do may not seem like much, but it will amount to a larger amount collectively. Goals can propel you forward, they can give you steps to achieve a dream, and they can send you plummeting into depression when you achieve nothing. 

2020 is another chance at living better (whatever your definition is of that ) It is a chance to dream big or small and do some new things. Keep your goals large to shoot for the stars, but set some easier goals as well. Perhaps walking the dog more or game night with your kids. Also among those stars you could aim to be a published author, get out of debt, move into your first home, or buy your first new car! Goals need to be set with a sight in mind. If you say in 2020 I will discover a cure for cancer and you not even work with a company trying to do that, well, then you will fail. Achieving new things is great, but do not forget to include steps to get there. 

I hope 2020 is an amazing year for you filled with love and friends. I hope you find your tribe to share those dreams with and who can help you achieve them. You do not have to follow in someones footsteps, but knowing they got to where you are allows you to see it is obtainable. Dream big, set goals, but do not forget you need to also set the steps along the way. You cannot reach for the stars without first putting the steps in place. Happy New Year to you all. I pray you achieve your hearts desire in 2020 and if you picked a word, do not forget to live by it. Figure out what living out that word means. It is just a different way of setting goals. It still needs steps to achieve.

Here is to a great year of achieving our dreams!

Your story teller/poet
Debbie xoxox


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