Believe in Love

Photo by Petr Sevcovic on Unsplash

He came at this situation all wrong. He wanted to walk away with no consequences for his actions. I was on the fence about it I let him or did not let him. We had a kid on the way, we planned a life together, and we just bought a condominium. He decided he did not want to be tied down to the baby, the condominium, or me. He wanted to wander the earth free. He wanted to head into the mist and disappear. I said "For crying out loud this is our life, you are not a wanderer with no attachment, no history, and definitely not alone. You have 7 brother and sisters and 20 cousins and a BABY!!! coming soon." He shook his head. He lowered his eyes. He took a long drag of a cigarette and he got up, walked to the door, and vanished. I was left sobbing, pregnant, and with a huge condominium payment. I knew not how I would survive, but he was gone. I was still here, this baby would be soon, and we needed a way to make our new world work. I would tell the baby only good things about his/hers father. I would tell of our great love and I would make this world so completely wonderful for my child. In addition, I would always question every person they dated with the intensity of the CIA! My life had changed in an instant and my views on this world left me questioning all my morals and values. Life would never be the same again. I should have never agreed to come to this coffee shop and meet the man I planned forever with, because forever, in his mind, did not exist and I was too stupid in love to see the warning signs. 
Life just got a lot worse, but my view of it all, well that is something I hope changes in time. I would have to live life without trusting, loving, sharing with someone in this world. In this moment, only a few after he walked away, I knew somehow my baby and I would be okay! 

A little Monday tale for you. I hope to get back in the Sunday Stories mood where I can do a short story each Sunday or Monday for you.

Believe in Love!

Your storyteller/poet


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