New Year, New Goals, New habits.

See your dreams ahead!

 As 2021 begins I have to wonder why so many people are setting new goals and new habits. How about a word for the year or a resolution? What about changing into a new calendar to start a new year makes us make these decision at the stroke of midnight. 

Perhaps they were made in 2020 and at the start of a new year we realize we are facing ourselves in the mirror and see we lied to ourselves. We said we would do X, we said we would achieve Y. Well let me say you are not alone. So many people set the best of intentions but have no follow through. 

Here are a few steps to help you move forward in a year where we have literally frozen in our homes.

1) Purge your home. Yes get rid of things you don't use or haven't seen in years, but purge those relationships not working for you, those negative nancy types who tell you why bother, you cannot do that, you cannot achieve your dreams. Purge yourself of these types of people. Look for the leaders, hell be a leader, find your tribe, dream big, push each others crowns straight without yelling look what I did. As a new year starts fresh, so should your relationships. I am not saying get rid of people you love or that you have known since you were both in diapers. I am saying look at who is around you and get rid of the voices you do not need to hear anymore.

2) Choose things daily to achieve. Yes picking a word gives you intention, but nothing else. If you set a word or resolution, take it apart. Look at it piece by piece. My word is Create. Ok well that is nice, now what? I am working on creating sketches in pencil. I am learning how to draw roses. I am pushing myself into mediums I know nothing about. I am looking online at how people do their art. I am learning. Be a sponge with with your word or resolution. How can it benefit you and others around you? What can you do daily to move toward your word? Choose your free time wisely to guide you toward your word/resolution.

3) Failure is not an option. Oh but in learning any new thing you will fail. If you get on a horse and have never been on one, do you know how to ride? No! Someone has to teach you or you teach yourself, but either way you will fail again and again and again. In order to achieve anything new you will have to fail it miserable. You will need to have your expectations torn to shreds. Your ideas of what you can do made visible to you.  You will fail but then you know what, one day you wont suck, then another day and another and people are like, did you create that? Why yes, yes I did! Then it is you are truly amazing. No I am not, I put in the time failing to get better and to finally succeed. No one knows everything. EVER!

4) Frozen in Time. This pandemic has us trapped in our homes. We cannot hug loved ones. We cannot gather for holidays. We are frozen in fear in this time, but we need connection. We crave it. We live for it. We want to teach, be taught, be part of a book club, a class on pottery, get our MBA in a class room. We can do all the things that matter. Book clubs are on zoom, classes for masters are virtual but as in everything in life, that is temporary. Nature is free, so I suggest hiking as a family. Set out a picnic. Be the adventurer in what you can do to move forward. If you paint, go out with your tools and paint along a lake. We can move forward. It may be a little slower now, but you can still learn, advance, enjoy life safely.

5)Love yourself. Lately I have heard so many people say they are so unhappy with themselves. They have not made wise choices being locked up, but first and foremost we need to love and take care of ourselves. Life has been hard this past year. It has knocked me down time and time again, but I got up one more time then I was knocked down and I will nurture my soul with hiking, with meditation, with writing. Writing is my way of dealing with a lot, if that does not work, I draw bunnies. Yes bunnies. 

6) What this year has taught me. This year has taught me that I can fail at anything until I succeed. It has taught me to be myself even if other people cannot handle me. I have learned so much during 2020 and yes the year saw so many horrific things. I see them. I acknowledge them. I feel them deeply. I have chosen Joy everyday and I have seen my life move forward. One of my goals was to be published in my favorite magazine. Not only did I write for them but I did it twice! Goal failed at for a year and I kept submitting until my writing was great and they saw it too and published!

Remember to be kind to yourself so you may be of benefit to others. 

I hope 2021 finds us hugging again, holding hands, celebrating together, but if , lord helps us all, it does not, perhaps it has some more to teach us about how to be to mother earth, how to be to our family and how to treat the rest of the world.

Happy New Years to you all, I have missed you all in this space. Soon my art will be for sale, stay tuned :)

Your storyteller/poet




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