Journal-ing: Life, family, and everything else

Good Morning,

I come to share some words and thoughts with you lovelies. I have recently been reading, basically some GO GIRL type of works and it hit me how so mannnnnny people actually need to hear it. When did we as women stop believing in ourselves that we need someone to tell us we are enough, that we are blessed to have our kids, that we can do what we dream of doing? Now do not get me wrong, this lady saying it is smart and encouraging and a great cheerleader of women, but why do we as women no longer believe it on our own?

Perhaps the world has once again shifted. Perhaps you have been through hell in your life and need to hear it again, perhaps your world has shrunk so far that it is just you in it, but whatever it is I am here to agree with this young lady and say you are enough. You do not need to have a man or women to validate how amazing you are. The world is no ones oyster. It is a collective space where we have to live with people we like and dislike who like and dislike us. Some how in all the muddle of life we have lost how to have a heart and be caring. We are bogged down in how to make more money, more power, more more more that we have lost compassion for our fellow humans. We have stomped them down so that we can climb up on their backs and raise ourselves. This is not something to be proud of.

You need to view your life through a bigger lens. You need to see yourself in the collective and see what benefit you can be. Do no harm unto others, but raise them up.Tell them they are good people. Stop lying to them and yourself and be the best version you can be. We raise others by raising ourselves. We lift hearts when we share words of compassion. We unite and all benefit from each other. Can I do everything? No, but my dreams can be achieved yes through me, but I am a small person in the collective world. I can dream, but in reality it will take a village to get me there.

Please consider this as you go through your day: Spread kindness so that even if it is a tiny seed of hope in someones day, it will one day sprout.

Writing each day helps keep you focused on what you want to do that day. It sets down on paper what is true within your heart. Write out your life, your dreams for you, your family, your friends, but also write about what you can do for someone you just meet. Write about how to be of benefit to the collective in this world. You are one tiny human, one tiny voice, but both of those hold power. Write each morning something  you are grateful for, something you are upset about, something you want to change about you, your community, of the world. Dream big, start small. Be the rock thrown into the pond that starts the ripple and be the beginning of the change you dare to see in yourself and even bigger.

Happy Hump Day!
your poet/writer



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