So how much writing do you do?

                                   Photo by Lonely Planet on Unsplash

So after writing the post about journaling I thought perhaps we should delve a little deeper into that sea. A lot of you reading probably want to write but are not sure where to start. I have been doing my morning writing in my journal and have come to realize you might all be lost, so lets talk about what to write in first. As many authors have said you can write in whatever you want, but let me suggest a nice journal. I have an Italian leather one from Italy. Barnes & Noble sell them. I bought it for myself for a birthday one year because I thought even if I write crap it will be nice to put it in something beautiful. Now you can write on paper, three subject notebooks, or journals, but it is the writing that matters. I have a favorite cheap pen I use all the time and found that works best for me. Perhaps you want a special pen or fountain type pen, get and use whatever you want. The key is content not quality of what you use for this.

Writing is a very personal experience. Perhaps you are afraid someone will read your words, perhaps you are judging yourself as you write, perhaps you only have the ten minutes while picking your kids up from school, well ok then make it work for you. Writing should be enjoyable. Writing in your journal should be fun, you dream big you live large and you explore your mind on the page. Writing should free up space in your mind. If you need to dump all the days chores onto your page then do it. If you need to make a list so your mind will quiet down then do that, but do not give up on your writing.

Sooner or later there will be something in your words, in your writing, that is worth following up on. A wisp of a dream, an idea for a business, some help with your crazy life. Perhaps a thread of a new relationship or fixing one with someone you love. Writing is a channel to your life. You have the ability on the page to dream big, accomplish much, and follow your heart. What you let flow freely onto the page will help you with the rest of your life. It will give you a finer aim for what you really truly want in life.

I write short stories and poems too. I feel writing on so many levels allows us to dream and achieve all at once. I feel like if you do not censor yourself then you can and will be able to figure out on these pages what your heart truly wants out of your life. Not everyone else's thinking for what they want you to do, but your own heart. On the page the other voices are not there and it allows you to be free, focus on you, and explore your life in such a way that it is genuine and truly can aid your life.

Now find a few minutes and start writing. It wont be all roses and sunshine, you may need to shred them when you are done so no one reads them, but in the end it will have poured out of you, into the front of your mind, and you will have a focus you did not know you were even capable of!

Find some paper, buy a journal,  use a napkin, but go start writing! If you need any help I will help in anyway I can.

Your poet/writer


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