a Time of thanks

In American we celebrate Thanksgiving. a Day set aside for us busy , multi tasking, insanely busy Americans. We are so busy keeping up with so much,so many people,thoughts,money,kids,shopping.
In America we need a day set aside to breathe. This should tell us all something is wrong. Why it is more then ok to celebrate Thanksgiving, I do believe maybe we need to do it more often. Maybe instead of keeping up,we need to slow it down. I have learned to say no to things, I have cut out activities. I have made  new ones with my daughter and enjoy them so much more. We spend more time together doing whatever. She recently asked if we could decorate together this year for Christmas. It warmed my heart. So this weekend, before our finals at College (yes we both go to the same college) , we have decided to take 3 days to decorate. Bake cookies, play games and be goofy. I hope you all are taking the time needed to be thankful for your lives daily. Its not about the TV you got $30 off, its not about what you can give to people, its about showing them they are loved,period!! Its about enjoying each others time and having a tea. Take time,,slow down,,enjoy your loved ones,partner and children. Happy Holidays to you all!!! Enjoy it!!! Slowly!!!

PS How is your writing going? Now is a great time to slow down,note whats going on,maybe a Thankful journal till January 2nd,,or longer if you feel. Share  what you are grateful for with me ,wont you!! :)

Write whats in your heart, you cant go wrong :D


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