Sunday Story: Halloween Series Part 4

Once my head was cleared, I decided to go back out to her house in the woods and speak with the witch. I needed some answers. I packed up some food for her, do witches eat food? Well surely they do, and I hiked back out. It was the second trail this morning, so since I always did them in order I easily remembered which one. When I got to where I thought the house was at, there was no house. There was a pile of leaves pressed down onto the ground like something had been on it, but nothing was there. I couldn't make any sense of this.

I back tracked through the trail and tried again. Nothing. Hmm?? I decided to do my walk through the next trail. I started in and heard a strange whistling. A song. It seemed to be something I remembered, but where did I know it from? It took me a min and I remembered, Cub Scout camp. We used to sing it and whistle it as we hiked. The arrow. It was the arrow of light in Cub Scouts. How did I forget that? Ok so now I had a link. This yellow arrow, sign of being ready to advance into Boy Scouts. How was the witch using it? Was I advancing to my death with her? I needed answers.

I went into the farthest point of this third trail and sang the song. I called to her. I used her name, Emma, Emma. I turned around to look in all directions. By the time I had tuned 360 degrees she was right next to me and I jumped with a fright. She smiled and said, "you called for me my love." Um yes Emma yes I did call for you. I need some answers. Can you give them to me?

Emma sat down on a fallen log and summoned me to sit next to her. I asked about the arrow. She said she truly loved her future husband and placed it on him the first time she senses danger was lurking. Since I was walking where the murder happened, she wanted to protect me from being killed also. It turned out though that the creature follows the marks to kill and she did not know this when she placed it on me. Now I knew my life was in danger.

I asked her what was going to happen. She said she would protect me since it was her fault that the arrow was now on me.Now I knew that the creature would kill me. She said she did not fight the creature before, nor there at the time of the attack of her love. She assured me if she was, that she could have protected him. She said she would stay with me day and night from now on to make sure I was safe till she knew this demon was gone.

The next day Emma moved into my apartment. She had one large carpet bag. She pulled things out of it like a grandfathers clock, table, pots, jars of spices, clothes, shoes, chairs and she kept pulling till my apartment was furnished with all her belongings. I just looked at her and the bag in wonderment.
I felt safer already, than a knock on the door and we both jumped.

It was just the neighbor saying how nice it was to have a lady living next door. She welcomed Emma to the building and gave her a hug. She left soon after and we sat down to talk. She told me her life's story and began 300 years ago. She was born a good witch. Never do to evil.When her family was murdered one night, she escaped by running into the woods. She did not learn till centuries later that the demon was the one who killed her family. She had been on the run since.

My arrow on my arm started stinging. Then a deep burn and I doubled over in pain. I could hear Emma chanting and I was sure she was the cause of this pain. I yelled at her to stop it. She kept chanting and after a min she fainted straight away and was sprawled out on the floor. My arm was still in massive pain and the door blew open. The demon was in human form, entered the apartment and I felt like I was hit with lightening and fell to the grown and passed out next to Emma.

Well aren't things heating up with our witch and park ranger. Only two more Sunday stories with this story and we shall move on. I seriously hope you all are enjoying the story and I wanted to pass on some good news about your story teller. A little piece I wrote is being used in the November issue of an online magazine. I am thrilled. It is an amazing group of people to be among.  I do hope you share the story with family, friends, pass it on, email the link, share on FB or wherever you land.

Till next Sunday,
May the Good Witch always be on your side,
your storyteller,

Ps Happy Haunting ;)


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