a creative Writing Work space

Writing/Working spaces are very personal. Some people like lots of items around them,some like empty spaces. My work space is filled with items that help me. I want my space to always feel inviting.I want items around me that fill my heart in some way that they aid the writing process. I write short stories as many of you have seen and read on this blog. Today though I share the behind the scene location where my writing happens. I hope you enjoy the ride.

This corner of my desk is probably my favorite. First I have a scarf I found at a thrift store for a dollar over my desk. It is a beautiful desk, but I love textiles and color.

My Buddha gently reminds me to smile as I write. He is a gentle reminder of  kindness and generosity which come across in my writing.

A pen, always, I love writing by hand first. This lovely leather tree of life journal is like a magic spell book for my thoughts.I sometimes run my fingers all over the cover when I am having writers block. It is therapeutic.

The flower arrangement I made so that I could have a little bit of cherry color on my desk. It lightens my load to be able to glance up and see some spring colors smiling back at me.

Collectively this corner is a slice of heaven on my creative work space.

What we have on our work spaces says a lot about us. Do we like chaos on the work space, are we OCD about our work areas. Also do we like to work on paper or computer. Do we like pens or do we like laptops. So many different avenues you could go with your own work space.

So there is the other corner of my work space. My antique books together make up my space for my lamp so it is higher for reading and writing. My little baby Buddha watches over me as I type. I usually have coffee here on this side, or my cell phone sitting there. If I am writing a paper ( I am finishing up my B.A. in English in may) there are numerous academic article on my desk. Sometimes I place a candle sometimes in the corner by the books too. I like to leave a little space for things to come and go from my work space.
Here is the candle on the desk. At night it makes me feel relaxed and warm by its soft glow. It is nice to have a little something other than the glow of the lap top.

Finding balance of what is in your work space and what you leave out is hard. Sometimes you need to move things in and out and see what fits your space.

This is my whole office. Art on the walls, books on the bookcase, Buddhas on the desk space. One ampersand, one E for my last name, and one je'taime  because I speak a little french and believe in love. This desk was my grandfathers. I took it when they moved into an elderly apt and re did it. New hardware too, and I love that it was his and now my daughter and I both use it. His granddaughter and great granddaughter are using it with love.

Writing/working spaces can sometimes be difficult to find when traveling and meeting spaces are vastly differently priced and I have a solution for you. Wework.com is a coworking company that offers creative, shared workspace for people, in hopes to make it easy to do what they love!! Go look at their site www.wework.com/ and see what they are all about. They have spaces all over www.wework.com/locations/  and offer great alternatives to working out of your hotel with cramped quarters. Also you meet new people also traveling and sharing offices as well.

I hope you have enjoyed a peek at my writing work space. Fill your space with what you love and if you need a work space consider wework.com They have a great solution to your work space dilemma. You can find their locations here: WeWork Office Locations
I will be write here, writing away on my papers, my short stories and my blog to you all. If you want to leave a comment and show me your space I would love that. I hope your work space is a creative space where your brain can do its magic spells and produce what you love.

your story teller/poet


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