La Famillia

Family is so importatnt. My family is up north and I havent been able to get up to see them in a few years. Now with losing my job, im pretty much not going up this year either. My sis tho said she might come down in the fall with one of my nieces and stay with me :) She misses me as crazy much as I miss her. The top photo is me and my son. I look about 16, but I was 21 and married 3 years and one day hahahaha. He melted into my arms after a nap at day care and you can feel the love in it. I think it was taken about 1991.

The second photo is my son a little more then two ,so prolly 1993. We were home staying with  my mom,waiting on his daddy to come stateside. We left a few months earlier as my job was done and I was done with Germany. Four years and I was ready to see my family and to come home. Chris just adores his grandma. She right back at him. My mom recently had her 67th b day. She was diagnoised with cancer over 10 yrs ago to live 4 months. Im glad she is cancer free and still with me. She is my rock.

My mom and I have pretty parrallel lives. We both got divorced, raised kids, tho she remarried later on, then divorced again. We are both divorced. Both alone and both two peas in a pod. You know how they say the acorn doesnt fall far from the tree, heck I think im still on a branch with her. We think a lot of the same things,like so many of the same things. Then came my son Chris. He is my pea. He is a momma boy and has basically done everything with me since birth.I'm glad these days he still likes doing things with me and has my love of photography too.

Family is very important. I wish I was close, esp since I have no job. Id love to see them all and spend time with them. Even my bro who is closed minded and very opinionated. I love him to death, flaws and all. * well hello,im not perfect* 

I hope as you journey through life you realize how blessed you are. Your family might be small,large, you and an animal friend or you and your spouse. Whatever it is,,know you are blessed to have it. I really miss my family ,but I know if I need them,they are just a phone call away. I called my sis the other night and she told her hubby to hush,,she was on the phone with her sister and when whe was done she would be down for dinner. Made me smile.

It's almost midnight, so im going to say Happy Sunday. Im going to grab the Sunday paper, go to church and tho I dont have a job, be thankful for the blessings I do have. Then go see Pop in the hospital again. My ex said pops not doing well again,so im going up to visit again. He may be my ex, but George will always be my father in law.

Love ALL your family. Friends, furr babies, ex's and all. Happy Sunday,, be thankful for this is the day that the lord hath made. Be Thankful in it!!!


PS what are you doing today,Sunday, with your family?


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