Saturday Posts,,,,,come join in the fun

from Tina

From Book Four in the Tai Randolph/Trey Seaver series (as yet untitled):

I was a creature coddled in the salt marsh, cradled in the briny sweet-smelling Low Country where the southeastern part of Georgia curled and crept into the Atlantic. Winters there were mild and smelled of clean pine and the ocean. Atlanta was different -- the cold here had roots. It lay low in the upland mountains, deep within the granite, and then it slinked down into the city where winter days could be as clear as a diamond, and just as sharp.

Thanks for letting us share, Debbie!
you can click on her in the comments from the last post if youd like to say hello
and here are my five lines,, a story I just started,,no title yet
Ive always wanted to travel West. He never saw a reason to leave the East.I said it would be an adventure. He pointed out life with me was enough of one and he didnt need to pay to travel to have more. We signed the papers yesterday and today I headed out West.
please joing us next Saturday for our next Saturday Post.
Thanks for stopping  by and pass on the link to your friends so they can join in the writing fun too!!
Special thank you to Tina for joining in the fun this first Saturday of a new adventure.


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