Sunday Stories #6

so today we continue the adventures of Sarah............

Sarah was back in her hotel room looking at everything she packed for this trip.She arranged it all onto her hotel bed.  Nothing seemed right for her dinner date with Adam. She still had a few hours and decided to venture into town again on the hunt for the right dress. She wanted something casual, because she wasn't sure this was even a date. Armed with her credit card she headed out. She walked around Seattle till she found Air. Air was a store that had light and breezy sundresses that felt as light as air. Sarah walked into the store. It smelled like the beach. She was sure they were piping in that smell as she was miles away from any beach. A tall slender blond sales lady walked up to her to ask if she needed help. She told the way to tan young women that she was just looking. Then proceeded to tell her about her date, or maybe it was not a date. Either way Sarah needed a dress. The lady went into the backroom while Sarah looked around the store. The clothes seemed to float on invisible beams. Floating  air dresses. Sarah made her way to her signature color, blue, but the sales lady headed her off from reaching it with all sorts of bright yellows and orange dresses. Sarah was not so sure that a first date with Adam was the time to change her color. She took the sales ladies dresses into the changing room and began to try them on.

Thirty minutes lady Sarah emerged triumphantly from the store. She had her brand new orange dress. It had a floral motif to it and had cream and yellow grand flowers covering the whole dress. Sarah thought the dress seemed bold. She was not a bold person, but decided that she probably would not see Adam again and this was a good time to be bold. Well she probably could not be bold, but at least her dress could.

Sarah took a shower to make sure she didn't smell like the beach from Air and washed her hair for her date. Progress Sarah thought, at least now I am calling it a date.

Sarah blow dried her hair and put on a little make up. She hadn't worn a lot when she met Adam and he thought she was pretty, so she didn't want to put a lot on now. A little powder and some pink lip gloss and Sarah was ready.

Sarah put on her sandals and sprayed a little perfume,after all this was a date, and was done. She grabbed her bag, her hotel key and was out the door.

They had agreed to meet at the restaurant since Adam was coming from work and would be even later if he picked Sarah up. It was 8pm as Sarah entered the restaurant. Adam wasn't there yet. She checked her phone, but no messages. Sarah walked up to the bar and had a seat. The bartender asked what she wanted and she didn't know. She smiled and said, "Rum and coke", she had heard a friend order one once and thought it sounded delicious. The drink came quick and was gone quicker. Sarah hadn't realized till then that she was so nervous. As she started feeling sick to her stomach from drinking her drink so fast, Adam enters and smiled at her. Adam's smile was so warm and inviting that Sarah was convinced she could melt from it.

Adam walked up to Sarah and was planning to apologize for being a bit late, but he was stopped by how beautiful she looked in this bright orange dress.

Adam told Sarah, " You look amazing."
Sarah blushed and quietly said, " So do you."

Adam got their table and they made their way to it.The place wasn't crowded and they could move around it easily. Adam pulled out Sarah's chair. Sarah sat down realizing she was nervous again as to what they would talk about. She was ready to open her mouth and talk about her book, but Adam began talking first.

"Sarah", he said, "Seattle seems to suite you."

Sarah hadn't realized how at ease she was in this big city. She had grown up in a rural town in upper New York State and even though New York City was in the state, she hated going to it. To much noise and people and she couldn't hear herself think. As a writer being able to hear yourself think was very important.

Adam made small talk and then got around to discussing relationships. She knew definitely now that this WAS a date. Adam told her about his one fiance, but she ran off to find herself and he hadn't heard from her since. Sarah wondered if she was supposed to share about her past relationships too, but she just met this man a few days ago and decided he didn't need to know her history of failed relationships.

They talked about Seattle weather and about how residence deal with all the rain. He told her about the woods and how green and lush they were and how he wanted to take her hiking. Her mind was now thinking about how she could never live somewhere that has so much rain, but Adam was repeating something she missed.

"Would you like to go on a hike tomorrow?"

Sarah told Adam she was planning on flying home tomorrow to work on the novel she was trying to sell him on. She needed to write. She needed a publisher to give her a paycheck for her upcoming novel and she thought maybe by accepting this date she had crossed a line.

" I am flying home tomorrow Adam" , Sarah said.

Adam pointed out that plane tickets could be changed. Sarah went over in her head how much it would be. She was here on her last dime to pitch to him as a publisher. Adam could sense something was wrong and said, "Oh so I meant to give you this. It is your advance check from my company. We are buying your book."

Sarah could breath again, but wasn't sure if it was the date that made him buy her book or not. She thought about it and he must have had the check before the date and she decided that she got it on her writing merits alone. She said thank you to him and assured him it would be an amazing book. He was not worried, after all how could he be with her in that orange cling tight dress.

Sarah realized he was starring at her in the dress and she decided using her credit card for it was the right decision. After they finished the meal, Adam pulled out her chair and they took a walk to the harbour where Adam firmly planted his first kiss on Sarah's glossed lips.

As I continue Sarah and Adam's story here, I will do other stories as well. Like last weeks traveling story. I love that you all love the Sunday Stories series as much as I love writing it. It has quickly become the most loved of all my posts and I thank you all for taking this journey with me. With college starting back tomorrow I hope to keep this going. I love our time together. Sundays are meant to be relaxing and inviting and with reading, church and family. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and write!! People say just write even it is bad. Honestly though writing is a great outlet. A great way for my creative soul to venture on a journey and take you alone. I hope you continue to bless me by visiting the blog and sharing it with others. *Even a cute publisher who wants to date me hehehehe*
Happy Sunday and peace be with you all.
Your story teller,

Photo Credit, Google Images :D


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