While the temperature is rising, global warming is a thing. So many people tell me it is not, but I know ten years ago in Ga I did not have to hide in the house. I could hang sheets on the line and now self-combust. This 105/110 is no joke. Yesterday we were outside walking for maybe five minutes and had trouble breathing and headed back to the car and AC.

Photo by Me on Tybee Island

This year just seems hot hot hotter. It is to the point where the insulated curtains are pulled and kept closed all day. Right now it is 96 outside and it is hard to do anything outside. I remember summers when I did yard work, where I mowed, where the outside did not try to kill me. This year has been hell.  Even the lake we normally go to to cool down is hot as bathwater, so here I sit inside writing to all of you. Who else is baking these days? 

I cannot believe everyone does not believe we are doing this to our own planet. While I claim to not know a lot about global warming, I do my best to live a sustainable life and do no harm to our planet. I do my best to recycle, to shop locally, to recycle, and do my part. I know I fall short, but I keep working on it. 

While I love the beach, I love Tybee Island, this heat keeps me in the house. I have fans going all over the house to help and all I can think is, ten years ago this was not how I lived in summer. I hate being cooped up inside the house and hate being in the house with no natural light. I get up at 5 AM for work and for an hour I can open a curtain or two for a lil bit. 

What do you do to help the earth? Tell me. Teach me. Let me know what I can do. Share your ideas with others. Share how you help the planet. Share with us how your weather has changed.

May you have some relief and stay cool.

I would really like to know what you do to help your planet. Let me know if the comments what you think we should all be doing. 

Your friend


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