Tea Time

(Photo by me, cookies baked by me ;)

What is it about tea that brings people together? When you go to someone else's house they offer you tea or coffee. They make up some munchies and you sit and talk the day away. What about a cup of tea that causes time to stop and allows us to focus on being present. It's comforting to drink and hold. It's a gift given by someone who cares about your well-being. Tea is a universal language of comfort. 

When someone on the Big Bang show feels down, they are brought a cup of tea even if they do not want it. Tea and comfort go hand in hand. Tonight I made myself a cup of clementine tea. It is hot in Georgia right now, but sometimes you just need a cup of comfort. It has been a rough 24 hours and many tears, on my part, have been shed. 

Tonight I drink out of a mug my sister sent me years ago and I recently found it again. It says A Sister is God's way of assuring we never walk alone. Having a sister is the best. Someone to talk to who grew up with you, who understands you, and who loves you no matter what. Having a sister to walk through this life with is such a gift. I honestly do not know where I would be in this life without her. Life is truly sweeter with her in it.

When I stay up at her place, I am always offered an alcoholic drink, and I always ask if I can just have a cup of tea. Something about holding that hot mug in your hand soothes my soul. Book in one hand, mug in another, everyone goes to bed before me. I am a night owl. There is one spot in my sis living room where I sit, put my hot mug on the side table on a coaster, and read late into the night. 

When our mom died in November, my sis and I walked the house a lot at night. We couldn't sleep. We kept crying, and we held each other up. I do not know how I would have made it through without her. My sister, a book, a mug, a blanket, and I was tucked in. We stayed up late drinking cocoa and just talking about Mom and crying together. When we got to a point where we were just lost, I suggested tea and it anchored us. Holding the hot mug, watching the steam rise, Just sitting in some silence and exhausted. We washed our mugs, hugged, and headed to bed. That cup of tea helped more than it knew.

Our mom loved tea as well. She loved making it for us all. She loved drinking it. She drank coffee too, but I always enjoyed a cup of tea with her. Once when I went to visit her I took her to a shop close to her condo that she never ventured to and we sat and shared a bagel and drank tea. My mom was happy she came out and I was happy to treat her. She was an amazing mom and I am raising my cup of tea to her now in heaven. Mom I drink tonight's tea in honor of you, your love, your light, your energy and your love of tea.

Much love,



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