Sunday Stories 3

So another Sunday is upon us. Today All weekend it rained. Yesterday was spent curled up reading finishing another book. Summer of reading is at book 16 now. Book 16 is Alice Munro, Too Much Happiness. I just finished The Provence Cure for the Brokenhearted by Bridget Asher. I highly recommend it. It was an amazing book. You know its good when you feel part of the characters lives, you are rooting for them and when you are done with the book you are sad.

Today started like every other Sunday. I went to church and heading down to my favorite coffee house. Books in hand,bible for church, journal for writing. I went to the coffee house, bought my lunch and sat at a table by the window. I loved the natural light. I am drawn into it. I sat and bathed in the light. I sipped on my coffee , ate my lovely lunch and got out my 16th book and dove in. I devour books like there is no tomorrow. I engulf myself into the location of the story. I absorb the characters and their lives fill me.

I spoke with a friend last night about reading and writing. I am a firm believer that if you want to write you need to read. Read read read. The more the better. You learn about others ways to write you learn different ideas,techniques and absorb thoughts. My friend tried to convince me that reading was a waste of time. I am convinced I need better supportive friends. While I don't agree with him all the time I have always supported him and I was hurt that he didn't feel the same. So I read  and read and when I write my books one day, when I am well known for my writing, I will remember my friend who said not to read. I will say I wrote and read for me and I am proud of all I have achieved.

My day at the coffee hours progressed over many hours. The sky gathered gray and then the rain poured down. With my window view I watched it in all my glory. I watched people come in with guitars and bibles and people gathered to study Gods word and sing and talk and gather. I wondered about them all. ( As I always do) I like to think of them as the best of friends meeting to gather and share old times. I love to watch people, I like to see how they dress, how they interact and how their Sunday is going.

Today was a Sunday like every other, but I rested at the coffee house and watched the world. I didn't see it passing me by. I was a bystander for sure, but I was in life. I was loving being a fly on the wall. :D  Today I even took my own photo.. no make up,,no hair products,just me and I am loving it. Life is simply right now, life is slow and I am enjoying it to the last min right before school starts again and the crazy starts again.

Today's Sunday story is my own. My day, my life. Welcome to it and tell me a little something about you :D



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